Event box

Toy Swap and Stuffed Animal Clinic

Toy Swap and Stuffed Animal Clinic In-Person

TOY SWAP: Bring toys to the library between Monday, March 24 and Friday, March 28, and receive a ticket for each toy. Come on Saturday to pick up a new-to-you toy for each ticket!

Toys must be CLEAN and COMPLETE (have all parts and pieces, original boxes for games, etc.). No toy weapons, please. If toy is battery-operated, please remove batteries before bringing to the library.

STUFFED ANIMAL CLINIC: If you have a stuffed animal in need of repair, bring them to the volunteer-staffed stuffed animal clinic to be sewn up! Interested in volunteering? Contact Jenny (jarch@cwmars.org).

Saturday, March 29, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Community Meeting Room
Library Branch:
South Hadley Public Library
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Jenny Arch